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본문 영역

Preventing and Managing Infectious Diseases

  • Preventing and Managing Infectious Diseases Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Everyday Life and While Traveling Abroad www.easylaw.go.kr Easy to Find, Practical Law Logo
  • How can we prevent the spread of infectious diseases?
  • How to prevent in everyday life When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose such as with a tissue. Wear a mask if you have fever and show respiratory symptoms (such as coughing, sore throat and runny nose).
  • How to prevent before traveling abroad
√ Check in advance whether the travel destination has any risk factors, and make sure to get vaccinated as well as to pack preventive and first-aid medicines. 
If necessary, you should consult your doctor.
√ For country-specific recommendations, go to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) website .
  • How to prevent while traveling abroad √ Wash your hands with soap before you eat. √ Drink only bottled, boiled and carbonated water. √ Avoid eating street food. √ Eat only fully-cooked food.
  • How to prevent while traveling abroad √ Use insect repellents. √ Wear long sleeves and a hat outdoors. √ Stay in a room with window screens or air conditioning.
  • For detailed legal information, please refer to 「Preventing and Managing Infectious Diseases」 in easylaw.go.kr
이 정보는 2024년 2월 15일 기준으로 작성된 것입니다.
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