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I have married a Korean national. How do I register my marriage in Korea?

  • Immigrants by MarriageHow to Register Your Marriage www.easylaw.go.kr Easy to Find, Practical Law
  • Q. I have married a Korean national. How do I register my marriage in Korea?
  • A. When a Korean national marries a foreign national in the Republic of Korea, the marriage must be registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  • Additional x-documentary evidence must be submitted to verify whether the foreign national spouse legitimately meets the requirements for marriage formation.
  • Submission of Certificates of Eligibility for Marriage 
1. Written evidence of the association between the foreign national and the laws of his/her nationality governing marriage formation (family relation register, birth certificate, copy of passport, certificate of registrations, etc. pursuant to the laws of foreign nationals home country)
2. Certificate of eligibility for marriage issued by a competent agency (government office, diplomatic office) of the foreign national’s home country.

※ For detailed information on how to register your marriage and the required x-documents, please contact the competent Si/Gun/Gu office.
  • For detailed legal information,please refer to 『Immigrants by Marriage』 in easylaw.go.kr. Easy to find, Practical Law
이 정보는 2023년 8월 15일 기준으로 작성된 것입니다.
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