
Honorable fellow citizens!
I am Lee Wan-kyu, Minister of Government Legislation (MOLEG).
I warmly welcome all of you to the website of MOLEG.

The Ministry of Government Legislation, as a central administrative agency, oversees the legislative process. We are in charge of protecting the people's rights in advance by making easy and precise laws, by providing statutory information in a manner that satisfies the needs of the people, and by accurately interpreting laws and regulations.

When the law-governed administration is entrenched in our society, laws are vital to ensure the happiness of the people. However, once laws are made, it is difficult to remove and make again. Therefore, the primary goal of legislation should be to improve the quality of life based on a universal value, the spirit of the Constitution.

With consideration for this importance of legislation, we have realized the open administration aimed at thinking from the point of view of the citizens and interacting with them and have endeavored to reform the laws and regulations, institutions, and practices that make life uncomfortable.

MOLEG will make utmost efforts to maintain the sensitivity to human rights and the susceptibility to unfair and unreasonable discrimination, to actively interpret laws and regulations from the perspective of the citizens, and to modify and improve them.

Thank you.
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