
Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employees

Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employees
Fixed-term and part-time employees, who number among temporary workers, are subjects of special protections under the Act on the Protection of Fixed-Term and Part-Time Employees in matters such as discrimination and working conditions, etc.
This article, “Fixed-Term and Part-Time Workers,” therefore compiles and provides the legal information necessary for the protection of fixed-term and part-time workers, including the concept of fixed-term and part-time workers and the scope of their application, procedures to correct discriminatory treatment, government support, the conclusion of employment contracts, recess and leave, the termination of employment contracts, retirement allowance, etc., in an accessible form.

Key Contents

  • bookMark
  • history
  • 다국어 맞춤형 법령정보 다국어 맞춤형 법령정보