Simple & Easy Law Info

Simple & Easy Law Info

Multicultural families

multicultural families


What support are multicultural families entitled to receive?


Care and Education for Children and Juveniles. Children and juveniles of multicultural families are entitled to receive support for extracurricular or after-school education programs and learning materials.


Housing support. As the head of a household having no home, a person who has resided in the same location for three year or longer with his/her spouse may be eligible to benefit from the special supply of one home for each household to an extent not exceeding 10 percent of the housing built for one occasion.


Job placement and educational support for multicultural families. Members of multicultural families can participate in job placement programs, such as basic employment education, through the multicultural family support center.


Health support. Members of multicultural families can receive medical services, such as education on nutrition and health, prenatal and postpartum care, and medical examinations, to ensure their healthy life.


For detailed legal information, please refer to 『Multicultural Families』 in

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